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WOMEN'S IMAGE NETWORK is an organization that creates, applauds and shares stories because powerful and excellent media builds
inclusive and tolerant communities.
Each year since 1993, to increase the value of women and girls,
Women's Image Network has been promoting gender parity by producing The Women's Image Awards, which celebrate outstanding film and television that dispels media stereotypes.

Each February and March Saturday night, before each film screening, we celebrate local heroes who, during the recent Los Angeles fires, embodied generosity, courage, commitment, compassion and creativity.
February 8th Wicked Screening & Celebrating Fire Heroes & Special Guests
Cesily Collette Taylar Wicked
Since 1993, our charity Women's Image Network has played a vital role in fostering a sense of connection.
Sharing stories heals.
To restore normalcy after the fires, we offer "HUG A HERO"
free movie nights every Saturday night in February & March.
These ten free weekly movie nights are open to the public.
Complete Screening Schedule
Coming Soon

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